Testimonal 2
“Dear Colleagues,
Like me, you no doubt receive many offers of guest speakers, charity requests and other such unsolicited mail. I’m here to tell you that occasionally the Holy Spirit flutters!!!
A young woman called Michelle Newland has an extraordinary and powerful message to share with your students. Events conspired so that we engaged her services as part of our year 11 Reflection Day. It was excellent and thought provoking on many levels. But I’d like to share part of an email that our Year 11 co-ordinator shared with the girls immediately after the Reflection Day:
‘On a different note, if you are like me, you can’t get over Michelle’s story…She was so inspirational. Our biggest enemy is our self doubt. How brave she was to start again and take those baby steps to move on with her life. I just can’t believe the odds she had to overcome!! You can all be just as brave in reaching your dreams.
Students feedback rated her input an average of 4.9 out of 5 (about 100 responses). Two girls put the “infinity” sign down!'”
Patrick Jurd
Director of Faith and Religious Education
Ave Maria College